MSc. Kathrin Bothe




Address Hellbrunner Straße 34
5020 Salzburg
Web page
Nationality German


since March 2015 PhD student at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria, Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS), Laboratory for Sleep and Consciousness Research. Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kerstin Hoedlmoser
October 2011 – October 2013 Master in Psychology (summa cum laude) at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg (Austria); Master thesis: “The functional role of slow (11- 13 Hz) and fast sleep spindles (13-15 Hz) in sleep stages N2 and N3 after a declarative paired associate learning task. An attempt to show specific relationships between sleep spindle types and different parameters of declarative memory formation and consolidation”
October 2008 – July 2011 Bachelor in Psychology at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg (Austria); Bachelor thesis: “Die Rolle von ereignisbezogener Theta (4-7 Hz) und Gamma (30-70 Hz) Synchronisation (ERS) beim Enkodieren und Abrufen von Wortpaaren [Remembered vs. not remembered: The role of event related theta (4-7 Hz) and gamma (30-70 Hz) synchronisation (ERS)”
October 2006 – July 2008 Abitur, High School/ Professional School (Economic Department), Kaufbeuren, Germany
October 2003 – July 2006 Professional Education, Industrial business management assistant, Landsberg am Lech/Schongau, Germany


August 2013 – February 2015 Research assistant in different projects of the Lab for Sleep and Consciousness Research, Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS), Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria; i) FWF-Project “The role of memory strength for processes of sleep-associated memory consolidation” (I00934); ii) “Sleep`n cycle in children ( JS1112H_P); iii) “Task-related EEG power and coherence during motor skill acquisition”; iv) FWF-Project “ Consciousness research across healthy vigilance states and disorders of consciousness (Y00777)”; v) FWF-Project “Sleep and gross-motor learning” (P25000_P)
March 2013 – July 2013 Teaching assistant for the bachelor seminar physiologic psychology/clinical psychology, summer term 2013 (The role of sleep in re-learning an implicit motor task- inversed keyboard typing), Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg
October 2012 – February 2013 Teaching assistant for the empirical seminar physiologic psychology/clinical psychology, winter term 2012 (The role of sleep in Spanish and Finnish vocabulary learning), Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg
October 2012 – Februray 2013 Study assistant in the Department of Physiologic Psychology/Sports Psychology, Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria
March 2012 – July 2012 Teaching assistant for the bachelor seminar physiologic psychology/clinical psychology, summer term 2012 (The role of sleep in Spanish vocabulary learning), Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria
November 2011 – April 2012 Research assistant in the project “Sleep and declarative real-life learning” at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria


July 2012 – September 2012 Research internship at the Laboratory for Sleep and Consciousness Research, Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS), Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria
May 2012 Workshop “Sleep stage classification”, Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria
July 2010 – September 2010 Clinical internship at the “Intensivtherapeutische Wohngemeinschaften ANAD e.V.“, Munich, Germany


Summer term 2015 Empirical Seminar (EEG/Eye-Tracking; Electrophysiological correlates in the context of natural reading) for MSc students


Accepted Bothe, K., Hirschauer, F., Wiesinger, H.-P., Edfelder, J., Gruber, G., Birklbauer, J., & Hoedlmoser, K. The impact of sleep on complex gross-motor adaptation in adolescents. Journal of Sleep Research.
2013 Lechinger, J., Bothe, K., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., Donis, J., Klimesch, W., & Schabus, M. (2013). CRS-R score in disorders of consciousness is strongly related to spectral EEG at rest. Journal of Neurology, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s00415-013-6982-3


December 2017 Bothe, K., Hirschauer, F., Wiesinger, H.-P., Edfelder, J., Gruber, G., Birklbauer, J., & Hoedlmoser, K. The impact of sleep on complex gross-motor adaptation in adolescents. Talk held at the “Sleep and (gross-) motor learning” Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, December 6th-7th , 2017.
March 2017 Bothe, K., Hirschauer, F., Wiesinger, H.-P., Edfelder, J., Gruber, G., Birklbauer, J., & Hoedlmoser, K. Sleep and gross-motor performance in adolescents- the inverse steering bicycle. Talk presented at the 3rd Wintersymposium “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”, Kaprun, Austria, March 2nd – 5th 2017.
January 2016 Bothe, K., Tibi, S., Koerner, D., Gruber, G., Schabus, M., & Hödlmoser, K. (2015). The impact of sleep on juggling. Talk held at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, January 20th, 2016.
March 2015 Bothe, K., Tibi, S., Koerner, D., Gruber, G., Schabus, M., & Hödlmoser, K. (2015). The impact of sleep on 3-ball cascade juggling. Talk held at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, March 4th, 2015.

POSTER PRESENTATIONS (presenting author underlined)

September 2018 Bothe, K., Birklbauer, J.,Hirschauer, F., Wiesinger, H.-P., Edfelder, J., Gruber, G., & Hoedlmoser, K. The impact of sleep on complex gross-motor adaptation in adolescents. Poster presented at the 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland, September 25th – 28th 2018.

Hirschauer, F., Birklbauer, J., Bothe, K., Wiesinger, H.-P., Edfelder, J., & Hoedlmoser, K. Gross-motor adaptation benefits from NREM 2 sleep and fast spindle activity during nocturnal sleep after training. Poster presented at the 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland, September 25th – 28th 2018.

 August 2017 Bothe, K., Birklbauer, J., Hirschauer, F., Wiesinger, H.P., Edfelder, J., & Hoedlmoser, K. (2017). Sleep and gross-motor adaptation in early adolescence- the inverse steering bicycle task. Poster presented at the 13th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON). Amsterdam, The Netherlands August 5th-8th 2017.
 July 2016 Hoedlmoser, K., Bothe, K., Gruber, G., & Schabus, M. (2016). Sleep-dependent motor memory consolidation from adolescence to adulthood. Poster presented at the 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2nd to 6th 2016.
March 2015 Hoedlmoser, K., Birklbauer, J., Eibenberger, P., Bothe, K., Schabus, M., & Mueller, E. (2015). The impact of sleep on gross motor learning / adaptation. Poster presented at the Sportmotorik Tagung 2015, Munich, Germany, March 5th to 7th2015.
September 2014 Hoedlmoser, K., Heib, D. P. J., Bothe, K., Tibi, S., Koerner, D., & Schabus, M. (2014). Slow oscillations during NREM sleep in adolescents are related to intellectual abilities. Poster presented at the 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Tallin, Estonia, September 16th to 20th 2014.
 July 2014 Hoedlmoser, K., Bothe,K., Tibi, S., & Schabus, M. (2015). The impact of sleep on three-ball cascade juggling. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON-XII), Brisbane, Australia, July 27th to 31th 2014.
September 2013 Lechinger, J., Bothe, K., Klimesch, W., & Schabus, M. (2013). Association between resting EEG and CRS-R score in disorders of consciousness. Poster presented at the Symposium in the honour of Prof. Wolfgang Klimesch, Salzburg, Austria, September 19th to 20th 2013.
July 2013 Schabus, M., Lechinger, J., Bothe, K., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., & Donis, J. (2013). Spectral EEG at rest predicts behavioural appearance in disorders of Consciousness. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), San Diego,

USA, July 12th to 15th 2013.

May 2013 Lechinger, J., Bothe, K., Klimesch, W., & Schabus, M. (2013). Resting EEG predicts CRS-R score in disorders of consciousness. Poster presented at the Dubrovnic Conference on Cognitive Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 16th to 19th 2013.

Hoedlmoser, K., Bothe, K., Moeckel, T., Peigneux, P., & Schabus, M. (2013). Impact of sleep on real-life declarative learning. Poster presented at the 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 16th to 19th 2013.

December 2012 Lechinger, J., Bothe, K., & Schabus, M. (2012). Resting state EEG and its significance for disorders of consciousness. Poster presented at the 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Lab for Sleep and Consciousness Research, Salzburg, Austria, December 13th to 14th 2012.
June 2012 Hoedlmoser, K., Bothe, K., Moeckel, T., Peigneux, P., Klimesch, W., & Schabus, M. (2012). Sleep and real-life declarative learning. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, June 10th to 14th 2012.




Microsoft Office (Expert)
Matlab (Beginner)
Statistics SPSS (Advanced)
EEG acquisition Brainvision Recorder (Advanced)
Alphatrace (Ambulatory EEG amplifier) (Advanced)
EEG data processing Brainvision Analyzer (Inermediate)




Sleep dependent memory consolidation across the lifespan