News 2019
At Panorama:Uni Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus and Assoz. Prof. Dr. Kerstin Hödlmoser talk about the results from our initiative “How does austria sleep (better)”.
Here you can find the video!
IKEA Tour for a better sleep
We are happy to announce a new cooperation between IKEA and our lab! Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus traveled through Austria to give you insights into the scientific knowledge about sleep. The aim of the joint initiative is to bring people’s awareness of the importance of healthy sleep.
Follow #WorkLifeSleepBalance or check out the interview here:
Prof. Schabus was sent as Erasmus+ representative of the University of Salzburg to the Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev for establishing a new connection between the respective Departments of Psychology.
Original article available here.
Sleep: Elexier of life (APA dossier)
The Austrian Press Agency APA publishes a dossier about sleep. Of course the work from our sleep lab around Manuel Schabus and Kerstin Hödlmoser should not be missing.
APA Dossier: Lebenselexier Schlaf (, 08/2019)
Kurt-Zopf-Förderpreis 2018 for outstanding publications
Manuel Schabus was awarded with the “Kurt-Zopf-Förderpreis 2018”. In his award-winning publication he deals with the non-pharmacological method “Neurofeedback” (brain wave training) for the treatment of insomnia.
more information:
University of Salzburg, (1), (2)
Doctoral College “Imaging the Mind”
The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has set up a new Doctoral College on „Imaging the Mind“ at the University of Salzburg (Austria) and is funding the doctoral college with a substantial contribution of €2.979.007.-
For the period 2019 – 2022 outstanding young scientists will be able to complete a fully-funded doctoral program at the University of Salzburg, will use and get support in any methods of the “Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience” (CCNS) at no costs, spend 6 months in designated international laboratories, and are encouraged to attend (fully-funded) symposia and congresses worldwide.
In the Laboratory for “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness Research”, there are currently 2 positions available for research topics by Prof. Manuel Schabus and Prof. Kerstin Hödlmoser.
Applications are welcome until summer 2019 (intended start 1.10.2019).
SAMBA 2019 Congress in Salzburg (Austria)
The Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS) at the University of Salzburg announces the 3rd annual meeting in the domain of Cognitive Neuroscience, the so-called Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting or simply SAMBA.
The mission of SAMBA is to attract the most exciting researchers in the domain of cognitive neuroscience, including related fields (e.g., computational modelling, animal neurophysiology, neurology etc.) that influence or are influenced by developments in cognitive neuroscience. Furthermore, our goal is to make young scientists enthusiastic about this research field. The moderate size of an anticipated ~100 to 150 participants will enable an intimate atmosphere with ample opportunity for exchange.
Online survey “How does Austria sleep?” 2019
Take a few minutes and join: the first large online survey about the sleeping habits & sleep quality of the Austrians.
After completing the two questionnaires, you’ll receive an individual sleep evaluation of your data within one week and you are able to compare yourself with others of the same age.
Please click here to participate!
Press releases (in german):
Wie schläft Österreich (, 15/03/2019)
APA-Meldung zum Start der Online-Erhebung (16/03/2018)
Wie sich Informationen über unseren Schlaf gewinnen lassen (derStandard, 03/2018)
Schlafprobleme in Zahlen (ORF, 03/2018)
Promotion Video
The current promotion vidoe for the Doctoral College “Imaging the Mind” at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS) at the University of Salzburg and the focus area “Cognitive Neuroscience” please follow the links.
Archive 2018
Archive 2017