Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Kerstin Hödlmoser


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information Nationality: Austria
Place of birth: Gmunden (Austria)
Address: University of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstr. 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austriawww.sleepscience.atFWF Video 2017
Education 05/2018
Habilitation in Psychology Functional impact of sleep on declarative and motor memory  over the lifespan’ (reviewers: Eus van Someren, Rebecca Spencer, Derk-Jan Dijk)

Graduation with Doctor of Science (PhD; ‘Dr. rer. nat.’) in Psychology (summa cum laude) at the University of Salzburg (Austria); PhD thesis: ‘The significance of sleep-related theta synchronization for general memory abilities and the impact of neurofeedback on sleep’ (reviewers: Wolfgang Klimesch & Pierre Maquet)

06/2014 -02/2015
Curriculum ‘Sport psychological training’ (asp)

10/2007 – 06/2011
Curriculum ‘Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy’ (AVM)

03/2005 – 07/2006
Curriculum ‘Clinical- and health psychology’ (BOEP)

10/1999 – 11/2004
Psychology, Sports Science & Kinesiology at the University of Salzburg (Austria)

09/1998 – 06/1999
International language school (Cairns, Australia)

Graduation from high school (Bad Ischl, Austria)

Awards 01/2017
‘Fulbright Grant’ (University of California, Berkeley, Prof. Matthew Walker)

‘Young Investigator Award’ (European Sleep Research Society 2014)

‘Teaching Award’ (University of Salzburg)

’Best 35 scientists under 35 years’ (Austrian Science Fund – FWF)

Jacobs Foundation ‘Research Grant for Young Scholars’

’Young Investigator Award’ (6th Conference on Pediatric Sleep Medicine, 2011)

’Land Salzburg research fellowship 2009’ (Land Salzburg)

’Advancement Award’ (Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftung)

’Young Scientist Award’ (OEGP)

’Psychology Award 2008’ (BOEP, OEGP)

’Trainee Merit Award’ & ‘Best Trainee Presentation Award’ (Worldsleep 2007)

’Excellence scholarship’ (University of Salzburg)

Professional Experience 10/2013 – present
Assistant Professorship at the University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)

10/2012 – present
Principal Investigator FWF standalone project (P25000-B24) ‘Sleep and real-life gross-motor learning in school aged children and adults’; collaborators: Mag. Birklbauer (Austria), Prof. Müller (Austria), Prof. Peigneux (Belgium), Prof. Sadeh (Israel)

Organization of the Wintersymposium „Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness“ (March. 02nd – 05th 2017) in Kaprun, Austria.

Organization of the Wintersymposium „Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness“ (Jan. 22nd – 25th 2015) in Kaprun, Austria.

Organization of the Symposium for „Brain Oscillation & Cognition – A Symposium in the Honor of Prof. Wolfgang Klimesch“ (Sept. 19th & 20th 2013) at the Univ. of Salzburg.

Organization of the Symposium for „Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness“ Research (Dec. 13th -14th 2012) at the Univ. of Salzburg.

Young Scholar within the Jacobs Foundation Conference 2012 on Sleep, Learning, and Brain Development

01/2012 – 05/2012
PostDoc engaged in the FWF research project ‘Sensorimotor conditioning as a primary insomnia treatment’ (P21154-B18)

01/2009 – 12/2011
FWF-Hertha-Firnberg-Position for young female scientists (T397-B02; duration: 36 months, 186.540 €); ‘Sleep and cognitive performance in children’; collaborators: Prof. Peigneux (Belgium), Dr. Wiater (Germany), Prof. Sadeh (Israel), Prof. Sterman (USA)

11/2011 – 10/2012
Research Fellowship University of Salzburg: ‘Sleep and declarative real-life learning’

12/2010 – 05/2011
Research Fellowship University of Salzburg: ‘Sleep and gross-motor learning’

06/2008 – 12/2008
Research Fellowship University of Salzburg: ‘The effects of instrumental conditioning of SMR (12-15Hz) on sleep and declarative memory consolidation’

03/2007 – 05/2008
Research assistant engaged in the FWF research project ‘Theta and working memory’ (P16849-B02)

07/2007 – 07/2010
Fellow of the ESRS-EU Marie Curie Project ‘Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine’

Fellow within the Worldsleep2007 Trainee Program in Cairns, Australia

04/2007 – 06/2007
Collaborator within the project ‘Fit for school: Effects of a 6-week sleep improvement program on learning and memory performance’ at the Cyclotron Research Centre (Liége, Belgium) in cooperation with the University of Göttingen (PD Dr. Rodenbeck) and the Hospital Cologne Porz/Rhine (Dr. Wiater, Prof. Lehmkuhl)

07/2006 – 02/2007
Research Fellowship University of Salzburg: ‘Effects of neurofeedback on sleep and declarative memory consolidation’

02/2001 – 05/2006
Research assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg (Austria); engaged in different FWF research projects: i) ‘Functional correlates of brain oscillations in the EEG’ (P-13047); ii) ‘Sleep and memory consolidation’ (P-15370); and iii) ‘The effect of napping on memory consolidation’ (P-15370-B02) under the supervision of Prof. Klimesch in cooperation with the Department of Neurology (Prof. Zeitlhofer) and the Department of Psychiatry (Prof. Saletu) at the Medical University of Vienna

Granted research projects

12/2012 – present
Jacobs Foundation-project (University of Salzburg, Austria): Sleep’n’cycle in children funded by the Jacobs Foundation (€33.231, Principal investigator: Dr. Hödlmoser).

09/2012 – present
FWF-project (University of Salzburg, Austria): Sleep ‘n’ cycle – Sleep and gross-motor learning in school aged children and adults (€323.657; Principal investigators: Dr. Hödlmoser and Dr. Birklbauer)

10/2009 – 1/2013
FWF-project (University of Salzburg, Austria): Sensorimotor conditioning as a primary insomnia treatment funded by the FWF (€308.949; Co-applicant with Dr. Schabus)

1/2009 – 1/2012
FWF-Hertha-Firnberg -project (University of Salzburg, Austria): Sleep and cognitive performance in children funded by the FWF (€186.540; Principal investigator: Dr. Hödlmoser).

1/2009 – 12/2011
FGÖ -project (University of Salzburg, Austria): Fit4School – Sleep and cognitive performance in children funded by the Fonds Gesundes Österreich (€19.807; Principal investigator: Dr. Hödlmoser).

Peer review
SLEEP; Journal of sleep research; Neuroscience; Memory; ‘Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie’ (German journal of sport psychology); Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Memberships Sleep research society – SRS,
European sleep research society – ESRS,
Austrian sleep research association – ASRA,
Organization for human brain mapping –OHBM
Clinical Experience 10/2013 – present
Psychotherapeutical (cognitive behavioral therapy) practice (4h/week) at the ‘Christian-Doppler Klinik’ in Salzburg, Department of Child and Youth Psychiatry

10/2009 – 02/2011
Psychotherapeutical (cognitive behavioral therapy) practice at the ‘Beratungsstelle für Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie & Gesundheitspsychologie’, Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg

07/2006 – 10/2006
Clinical- and healthpsychological internship (half time position) at the ‘Christian Doppler-Klinik’ in Salzburg under the supervision of Dr. Hermann Widauer, Prof. Dr. Gunther Ladurner, Dr. Leonhard Thun-Hohenstein

05/2006 – 07/2006
Clinical- and healthpsychological internship (half time position) at the ‘Institut für Heilpädagogik’ in Salzburg under the supervision of Dr. Georg Weiss and Mag. Winfried Kain

10/2003 – 11/2005
Clinical- and healthpsychological internship (half time position) at ‘Die Brücke’ in Bad Ischl under the supervision of Mag. Elisabeth Pammesberger

Sport Psychological
10/2013 – present
Coordinator and Lecturer of the Curriculum ‘Sport Psychology’ within the Master program at the Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg, Austria

10/2014 – present
Sport psychological coaching of climbers and tennis athletes

Advanced training for trainers (February 19th & 20th 2016) in Schielleiten

Advanced training for trainers (July 10th & 11th 2015) in Faak am See

Advanced training for trainers (June 1st & 2nd 2015) in Lindabrunn

Advanced training for trainers ‘Sleep & Regeneration’ (24th & 25th April 2015) in Schielleiten

Additional academic
10/2014 – present
Deputy for the Centre of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Salzburg

since 1/2015
DK+ Faculty Member for the FWF-sponsored doctoral program (DK+)
‘Imaging the mind: Consciousness, Higher Mental and Social Processes’

Once every year
Workshops on the topic of ‘Insomnia’ at the AVM

10/2006 – present
Lecturer at the University of Salzburg, Austria
Lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria