Dr. Monika Angerer



Name Monika Angerer
E-Mail monika.angerer@plus.ac.at
Address Hellbrunner Straße 34
5020 Salzburg
+43 (0) 662 – 8044 5148
Web page www.sleepscience.at
Nationality Austria


Disorders of Consciousness, Chronobiology, Effects of Daylight
Pre- and Postnatal Influences on Infants’ Development, Early Dyadic Interaction Patterns, Attachment


Since 09/2020 Training in Clinical Psychology at the Austrian Academy for Psychology (AAP)
2019 – 2022 Doctoral College “Imaging the Mind” funded by the FWF Austrian Science Fund (W-1233 G17) / University of Salzburg, Austria
2017 – 2022 Doctoral Programme “Natural Sciences” at the Faculty of Natural Sciences / University of Salzburg, Austria / Department of Psychology / Laboratory for Sleep, Cognition & Consciousness Research
(graduated with Doctor Rerum Naturalium, Dr. rer. nat.)

Thesis title: “Circadian and Diurnal Rhythms in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: Quantification and Therapeutic Implications”

Supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus & Dr. Christine Blume
Reviewers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus & Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen

2016 – 2018
Psychotherapeutic Propaedeutic at ÖGWG Linz, Austria
2015 – 2017 Studies of Psychology (Master, specialization in cognitive neuroscience) at the University of Salzburg, Austria
(graduated with Master of Science, M.Sc.)

Thesis title: “Neural and Cardiological Signatures of Conscious Processing and Circadian Rhythms in Brain-Injured Patients”

Supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus & Dr. Christine Blume

2013 – 2016 Studies of Educational Science (Bachelor) at the University of Salzburg, Austria
(graduated with Bachelor of Arts, B.A.)
2012 – 2015 Studies of Psychology (Bachelor) at the University of Salzburg, Austria
(graduated with Bachelor of Science, B.Sc.)
2007 – 2012 College for Nursery Education at BAKIP Linz, Austria


02/2025 End-of-life Care for Oncological Patients by Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Kirchheiner, Virtual Training
11/2024 Attachment Patterns and Attachment Disorders by Dr. Ann-Christin Jahnke-Majorkovits, Salzburg, Austria
09/2024 Psychological Assessment for Bariatric Surgery by Mag. Simone Parzer, Linz, Austria
02/2024 Marte Meo Practitioner – Basic Module by Nadja Wieser, Salzburg, Austria
12/2023 Sexual Assaults Among Children by Eva Moser, B.A. (Fachstelle Selbstbewusst), Salzburg, Austria
09/2021 Developmental Diagnostics with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development – Bayley-III by Prof. Gitta Reuner, Virtual Training
11/2019 Infant CARE Index Follow Up Training by Dr. Peter Schernhardt, Dr. Alex Neuhauser & Dipl.-Päd. Peter Kälble, Munich, Germany
09/2019 Attachment and Psychopathology by Dr. med. Andrea Landini, Zürich, Switzerland
07/2019 Infant CARE Index Follow Up Training by Dr. Peter Schernhardt, Salzburg, Austria
03/2019 Training for B.A.S.E. Group Leaders by OA PD Dr. med. Karl Heinz Brisch, Salzburg, Austria
04/2018 – 09/2018 Infant CARE Index Training by Dr. Peter Schernhardt, Salzburg, Austria


Since 03/2024 Psychologist at the Hospital “Barmherzige Brüder”, Salzburg, Austria
10/2023 – 01/2024 Educational Leave
Since 08/2022 Senior Scientist at the University of Salzburg, Austria / Department of Psychology / Laboratory for Sleep, Cognition & Consciousness Research
09/2017 – 07/2022 Research Associate at the University of Salzburg, Austria / Department of Psychology / Laboratory for Sleep, Cognition & Consciousness Research
03/2017 – 06/2017 Research Assistant at the University of Salzburg, Austria / Department of Psychology / Laboratory for Sleep, Cognition & Consciousness Research
10/2016 – 02/2017 Teaching Assistant for the VU Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Salzburg, Austria / Department of Psychology


09/2020 – 09/2023 Early Career Researcher Representative at the Austrian Association for Psychology (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP)


2020 Prenatal Programming and Cognitive Development funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF; €400.092,00; principal investigator together with Manuel Schabus)


2023 Dissertation Prize for Natural Sciences 2023 at the University of Salzburg, Austria
2023 Poster-Presentation-Award at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA)
2023 Blitz-Presentation-Award at the 5th Winter-Symposium on “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”
2022 Merit scholarship for academic performance in the studies of Psychology (PhD) at the University of Salzburg, Austria
2022 Wilhelm Strubreither Prize 2022 from the Austrian Association for Neuropsychology (GNPÖ)
2021 Christian-Doppler-Award 2021 of the Land Salzburg (Austria) in the division “Molecular Biosciences and Neurosciences” (together with Christine Blume, University of Basel)
2019 Training scholarship from the Austrian Academy for Psychology (AAP)
2017 Merit scholarship for academic performance in the studies of Psychology (Master) at the University of Salzburg, Austria
2017 Merit scholarship for academic performance in the studies of Educational Science (Bachelor) at the University of Salzburg, Austria
2015 Merit scholarship for academic performance in the studies of Psychology (Bachelor) at the University of Salzburg, Austria


Since 03/2024 Hospital “Barmherzige Brüder”, Salzburg, Austria
10/2023 – 01/2024 Institute for curative education (Institut für Heilpädagogik), Salzburg, Austria
07/2016 – 08/2016 Kepler University Clinic Linz – Neuromed Campus, Austria
02/2016 Living community for unaccompanied minor refugees at “Guter Hirte” Linz, Austria / Caritas – Refugee relief
09/2014 – 10/2014 Children’s hospice “Sterntalerhof”, Loipersdorf-Kitzladen, Austria
07/2013 – 08/2013 Living community for girls and women with eating disorders at “Diakonie Zentrum Spattstraße” Linz, Austria


Preprint Preiß, J., Reimann-Ayiköz, M., Reisenberger, E., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2024). Parent-Infant Interaction, Regulation and Language Development at 6 Months: Preliminary Findings. PsyArXiv Preprints. DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/vzaeu.
Preprint Florea, C., Reimann, M., Schmidt, F., Preiß, J., Reisenberger, E., Angerer, M., Ameen, M., Heib, D., Roehm, D., & Schabus, M. (2024). Neural speech tracking in newborns: prenatal learning and contributing factors. bioRxiv Preprints. DOI: 10.1101/2024.03.18.585222.
Preprint Florea, C., Preiß, J., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2024). Postpartum suicidal ideation in Austria and Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. medRxiv Preprints. DOI: 10.1101/2024.03.15.24304383.
Submitted Preiss, J., Florea, C., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (submitted). Navigating Parenthood During a Pandemic: Stress, Support, and Coping Mechanisms Among New Parents in Austria and Germany.
2025 Preiß, J., Lang, A., Hauser, T., Angerer, M., Schernhardt, P., & Schabus, M. (2025). Maternal characteristics and their relation to early mother-child interaction and cognitive development in toddlers. PLOS ONE, 20(1), e0301876. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301876.
2024 Angerer, M., & Blume, C. (2024). Circadian rhythms in patients with disorders of consciousness – Quantification and therapeutic implications. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 30(2), 79-80. Link.
2023 Florea, C., Preiß, J., Gruber, W. R., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2023). Birth and early parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in the Austrian and German population. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 126, 152405. DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2023.152405.
2022 Angerer, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Schabus, M., & Blume, C. (2022). From dawn to dusk – mimicking natural daylight exposure improves circadian rhythm entrainment in patients with severe brain injury. Sleep, zsac065. DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsac065.
2022 Angerer, M., Wilhelm, F. H., Liedlgruber, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Blume, C., & Schabus, M. (2022). Does the Heart Fall Asleep? – Diurnal Variations in Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. Brain Sciences, 12(3), 375. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci12030375.
2021 Schmid, S. R., Höhn, C., Bothe, K., Plamberger, C. P., Angerer, M., Pletzer, B., & Hoedlmoser, K. (2021). How Smart Is It to Go to Bed with the Phone? The Impact of Short-Wavelength Light and Affective States on Sleep and Circadian Rhythms. Clocks & Sleep, 3(4), 558-580. DOI: 10.3390/clockssleep3040040.
2021 Höhn, C., Schmid, S. R., Plamberger, C. P., Bothe, K., Angerer, M., Gruber, G., Pletzer, B., & Hoedlmoser, K. (2021). Preliminary Results: The Impact of Smartphone Use and Short-Wavelength Light during the Evening on Circadian Rhythm, Sleep and Alertness. Clocks & Sleep, 3(1), 66-86. DOI: 10.3390/clockssleep3010005.
2021 Florea, C., Topalidis, P., Hauser, T., Angerer, M., Kurapov, A., Beltran Leon, C. A., & Schabus, M. (2021). Sleep During COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Cultural Study Investigating Job System Relevance. Biochemical Pharmacology, 191, 114463. DOI: 10.1016/j.bcp.2021.114463.
2020 Angerer, M., Schabus, M., Raml, M., Pichler, G., Kunz, A. B., Scarpatetti, M., Trinka, E., & Blume, C. (2020). Actigraphy in brain-injured patients – A valid measurement for assessing circadian rhythms? BMC Medicine, 18(106). DOI: 10.1186/s12916-020-01569-y.
2019 Blume, C., Angerer, M., Raml, M., del Giudice, R., Santhi, N., Pichler, G., Scarpatetti, M., Kunz, A. B., Trinka, E., & Schabus, M. (2019). Healthier Rhythm, Healthier Brain? Integrity of Circadian Melatonin and Temperature Rhythms Relates to the Clinical State of Brain-Injured Patients. European Journal of Neurology, 26(8), 1051-1059. DOI: 10.1111/ene.13935.
2018 Wislowska, M., Blume, C., Angerer, M., Wielek, T., & Schabus, M. (2018). Approaches to Sleep in Severely Brain Damaged Patients – Further Comments and Replies to Kotchoubey & Pavlov. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(12), 2680-2681. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2018.08.029.
2018 Schabus, M., Wislowska, M., Angerer, M., & Blume, C. (2018). Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Severely Brain-Injured Patients – A Comment. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(8), 1780-1784. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2018.03.048.


04/2024 Circadian and Diurnal Rhythms in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: Quantification and Therapeutic Implications. Invited talk at the 30th Anniversary of Neurorehabilitation in Bad Aibling, Bad Aibling, Germany, April 19th 2024.
05/2023 From Dawn to Dusk – Mimicking Natural Daylight Exposure Improves Circadian Rhythm Entrainment in Patients with Severe Brain Injury. Blitz-Talk presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR), Lausanne, Switzerland, May 30th-June 1st 2023.
02/2023 From Dawn to Dusk – Mimicking Natural Daylight Exposure Improves Circadian Rhythm Entrainment in Patients with Severe Brain Injury. Talk presented at the 5th Winter-Symposium on “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”, Werfenweng, Austria, February 9th-11th 2023.
10/2022 Circadian and Diurnal Rhythms in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: Quantification and Therapeutic Implications. Talk (Science Slam) presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Association for Neuropsychology (GNPÖ), Vienna, Austria, October 1st 2022.
09/2022 About Healthy and Disturbed Sleep – Knowledge and Tips for Good Sleep. Invited talk (together with Esther-Sevil Eigl) at the Health Day of the Austrian Raiffeisen Association, Matrei am Brenner, Austria, September 23rd 2022.
10/2021 Cognition and Circadian Rhythms in Altered States of Consciousness. Invited talk (together with Manuel Schabus) at the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Disorders of Consciousness (ÖWG), Graz, Austria, October 15th 2021.
12/2020 From Dawn to Dusk – Mimicking Natural Daylight Exposure Improves Circadian Rhythm Entrainment in Patients with Severe Brain Injury. Invited talk in the Basel Seminar Series on Circadian Rhythms and Sleep, Virtual Meeting, December 3rd 2020.
02-03/2020 Actigraphy in severely brain-injured patients – A valid measurement for the assessment of circadian rhythms? Talk presented at the 4th Winter-Symposium on “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”, Werfenweng, Austria, February 27th-March 1st 2020.

(presenting author underlined)

09/2024 Angerer, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Schabus, M., & Blume, C. (2024). From Dawn to Dusk – Mimicking Natural Daylight Exposure Improves Circadian Rhythm Entrainment in Patients with Severe Brain Injury. Poster presented at the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Sevilla, Spain, September 24th-27th 2024.
07/2024 Preiß, J., Florea, C., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2024). (Perceived) Social Support of Mothers and Fathers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster presented at the Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 11th-12th 2024.
06/2024 Reimann, M., Preiß, J., Florea, C., Reisenberger, E., Angerer, M., Schabus, M., Roehm, D., Männel, C., & Schaadt, G. (2024). Talking hormones: Prenatal testosterone levels from neonate hair samples predict language development in the first year of life. Poster presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 19th-21th 2024.
06/2024 Reisenberger, E., Ameen, M., Florea, C., Preiß, J., Reimann, M., Angerer, M., Schabus, M., & Roehm, D. (2024). Do maternal and infants’ cortisol levels influence receptive language skills at 12 months of age? Poster presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2024), Lisbon, Portugal, June 19th-21th 2024.
09/2023 Reimann, M., Florea, C., Münchberger, C., Preiß, J., Reisenberger, E., Angerer, M., Schabus, M., Männel, C., & Roehm, D. (2023). Baby, can you hear me? An EEG study investigating prenatal learning of nursery rhymes. Poster presented at the FIT’NG 2nd Annual Conference, Santa Rosa, USA, Sept 10th-11th 2023.
06/2023 Angerer, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Schabus, M., & Blume, C. (2023). Dynamic Daylight Stimulation Supports Circadian
Rhythm Entrainment in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Linz, Austria, June 23rd-24th 2023.
05/2023 Angerer, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Schabus, M., & Blume, C. (2023). From Dawn to Dusk – Mimicking Natural Daylight Exposure Improves Circadian Rhythm Entrainment in Patients with Severe Brain Injury. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR), Lausanne, Switzerland, May 30th-June 1st 2023.
04/2023 Preiß, J., Lang, A., Hauser, T., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2023). Mother-Toddler Interaction and Maternal Personality. Poster presented at the Early Life Care Conference, Salzburg, Austria, April 28th-30th 2023.
02/2023 Reimann, M., Preiß, J., Florea, C., Angerer, M., Roehm, D., & Schabus, M. (2023). Maternal mood and early language development in infants from birth to six months. Poster presented at the 5th Winter-Symposium on “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”, Werfenweng, Austria, February 9th-11th 2023.
11/2022 Preiß, J., Florea, C., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2022). Germany vs. Austria: country-specific differences in becoming parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at the 15th European Public Health Conference (EUPHA), Berlin, Germany, November 9th-12th 2022.
09-10/2022 Florea, C., Preiß, J., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2022). Newborn birth weight associates with maternal depression and stress levels during the COVID 19 pandemic. Poster presented at the Congress of the German Society for Behavioral Medicine (DGVM), Salzburg, Austria, September 29th-October 1st 2022.
09/2022 Angerer, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Schabus, M., & Blume, C. (2022). Dynamic Daylight Stimulation Supports Circadian
Rhythm Entrainment in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. Poster presented at the 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Athens, Greece, September 27th-30th 2022.
09/2022 Schabus, M., Lang, A., Angerer, M., Ott, P., & del Giudice, R. (2022). Newborns’ sleep during auditory stimulation: The role of perinatal memory and stimulus familiarity. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Flux Congress, Paris, France, September 7th-9th 2022.
07/2022 Florea, C., Reimann, M., Angerer, M., Schabus, M., Röhm, D., & Lang, A. (2022). Processing of familiar vs. unfamiliar names in infants. Poster presented at the Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 14th-15th 2022.
07/2022 Preiß, J., Lang, A., Hauser, T., Angerer, M., & Schabus, M. (2022). Maternal Influences on the Cognitive Development of Toddlers. Poster presented at the Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 14th-15th 2022.
09/2020 Angerer, M., Schabus, M., Raml, M., Pichler, G., Kunz, A.B., Scarpatetti, M., Trinka, E., & Blume, C. (2020). Actigraphy in Brain-Injured Patients – A Valid Measurement for the Assessment of Circadian Rhythms? Poster presented at the 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Virtual Congress, September 22nd-25th 2020.
09/2020 Schmid, S.R., Höhn, C., Plamberger, C., Bothe, K., Angerer, M., & Hödlmoser, K. (2020). Impact of Evening Smartphone Use and Emotion Regulation on Circadian Rhythm and Sleep. Poster presented at the 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Virtual Congress, September 22nd-25th 2020.
07/2019 Angerer, M., Blume, C., Raml, M., Pichler, G., Kunz, A.B., Scarpatetti, M., Trinka, E., & Schabus, M. (2019). Actigraphy in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness – A Valid Measurement for the Assessment of Circadian Rhythms? Poster presented at the 3rd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 11th-12th 2019.
05/2019 Angerer, M., Blume, C., Raml, M., Kunz, A.B., Scarpatetti, M., Trinka, E., Pichler, G., & Schabus, M. (2019). The Importance of Correcting Actigraphy Data from Severely Brain-Injured Patients. Poster presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Gmunden, Austria, May 2nd-4th 2019.
09/2018 Angerer, M., Blume, C., Raml, M., Wislowska, M., Kunz, A., Trinka, E., Pichler, G., & Schabus, M. (2018). Heart Rate Variability and its Circadian Variation in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: A Diagnositic Tool? Poster presented at the 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland, September 25th-28th 2018.
07/2018 Angerer, M., Blume, C., Raml, M., Wislowska, M., & Schabus, M. (2018). Can Heart Rate Variability Contribute to the Differential Diagnosis of Disorders of Consciousness? Poster presented at the 2nd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 12th-13th 2018.
07/2018 Blume, C., Angerer, M., Raml, M., del Giudice, R., Santhi, N., Pichler, G., Kunz, A., Trinka, E., & Schabus, M. (2018). Body Rhythms in Concert? Circadian Rhythm Integrity is Related to the State of Brain-Injured Patients. Poster presented at the 2nd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 12th-13th 2018.
06/2018 Angerer, M., Blume, C., Raml, M., Wislowska, M., Kunz, A., Trinka, E., Pichler, G., & Schabus, M. (2018). Heart Rate Variability and Circadian Rhythms in Brain-Injured Patients. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), Kraków, Poland, June 26th-29th 2018.
04/2018 Angerer, M., Blume, C., Raml, M., Wislowska, M., Kunz, A., Trinka, E., Pichler, G., & Schabus, M. (2018). Heart Rate Variability: A Tool for Improving Differential Diagnosis of Disorders of Consciousness. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Fuschl am See, Austria, April 6th-7th 2018.
04/2018 Blume, C., Angerer, M., Raml, M., del Giudice, R., Santhi, N., Pichler, G., Kunz, A.B., Trinka, E., & Schabus, M. (2018). Body Rhythms in Concert? Integrity of Circadian Rhythms is Related to the State of Brain-Injured Patients. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Fuschl am See, Austria, April 6th-7th 2018.


09/2024 Conference: 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Sevilla, Spain, September 24th-27th 2024.
11/2023 Conference: If I Had Words – Talking About Mental Illness in Families & Strengthening Children from Mentally Burdened Families, Salzburg, Austria, November 6th 2023.
06/2023 Conference: 31st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Linz, Austria, June 23rd-24th 2023.
05-06/2023 Conference: 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR), Lausanne, Switzerland, May 30th-June 1st 2023.
04/2023 Conference: Spring Conference on Children’s Sleep, Landshut, Germany, April 22nd 2023.
02/2023 Symposium: 5th Winter-Symposium on “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”, Werfenweng, Austria, February 9th-11th 2023.
02/2023 Winter School: Annual DK “Imaging the Mind” Winter School – Topic: Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness, Werfenweng, Austria, February 8th-9th 2023.
09/2022 Conference: 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Athens, Greece, September 27th-30th 2022.
02/2022 Winter School: Annual DK “Imaging the Mind” Winter School – Topic: Discovering the Bayesian World, Werfenweng, Austria, February 10th-12th 2022.
12/2021 Workshop: Neuroanatomy course by Prof. Dr. Ysbrand van der Werf, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 7th-8th 2021.
10/2021 Conference: Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Disorders of Consciousness (ÖWG), Graz, Austria, October 15th 2021.
07/2021 Virtual Conference: Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 15th-16th 2021.
06-07/2021 Summer School: Annual DK “Imaging the Mind” Summer School – Topics: Evolutionary Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience & Data Visualization with R, Werfenweng, Austria, June 30th-July 4th 2021.
10/2020 Workshop: Sleep Staging Workshop by MPH Marion Böck, Salzburg, Austria, October 8th-9th 2020.
09/2020 Virtual Conference: 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), September 22nd-24th 2020.
07/2020 Summer School: Annual DK “Imaging the Mind” Summer School – Topic: Science Communication, Salzburg, Austria, July 15th 2020.
07/2020 Virtual Conference: The International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS), July 6th-9th 2020.
02-03/2020 Symposium: 4th Winter-Symposium on “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”, Werfenweng, Austria, February 27th-March 1st 2020.
02/2020 Winter School: 1st Annual DK “Imaging the Mind” Winter School – Topic: Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness, Werfenweng, Austria, February 25th-27th 2020.
02/2020 Conference: 25th Annual Meeting of the German Speaking Association of Infant Mental Health, Vienna, Austria, February 6th-8th 2020.
07/2019 Conference: 3rd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 11th-12th 2019.
07/2019 Symposium: Young Scientists Symposium (YSS) 2019, Salzburg, Austria, July 10th 2019.
05/2019 Conference: 28th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Gmunden, Austria, May 2nd-4th 2019.
09/2018 Conference: 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland, September 25th-28th 2018.
07/2018 Conference: 2nd Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 12th-13th 2018.
06/2018 Conference: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), Kraków, Poland, June 26th-29th 2018.
04/2018 Conference: 27th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Fuschl am See, Austria, April 6th-7th 2018.
10/2017 Workshop: Scientific Writing Workshop by Dr. Robert V. Kail, Salzburg, Austria, October 2nd-5th 2017.
03/2017 Symposium: 3rd Winter-Symposium on “Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness”, Kaprun, Austria, March 2nd-5th 2017.


Austrian Association for Psychology (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP)
Austrian Association for Neuropsychology (Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich, GNPÖ)
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC)
European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)
Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR)


Clocks & Sleep
Clinical Neurophysiology