MSc. Theresa Hauser


AddressHellbrunner Straße 34
5020 Salzburg
Austria+43 (0) 662 – 8044 5128


since 2022
Specalist Training in Psychotherapy (“Psychoanalytically oriented Psychotherapy”) at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria
since 2019
PhD Student at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria
2018 – 2020
“Propedeutic Studies in Psychotherapy” at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria
2014 – 2018
Study of Psychology (Master) at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria (graduated with Master of Science, M.Sc.)
2007 – 2013Study of Psychology (Bachelor) at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria (graduated with Bachelor of Science, B.Sc.)
1999 – 2007Graduation from High School (Christian Doppler Gymnasium, Salzburg, Austria)


06/ 2019
„Diagnostic and treatment for sleep disorders“ at the Austrian Academy for Psychologists (Salzburg, Austria) by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Kerstin Hödlmoser
03/ 2019
„Strange Situation Procedure (D)“ training and certification at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK) by Prof. Dr. Marinus van IJzendoorn
02/ 2019
„Attachment-based counseling and therapy for the peri- and postnatal period“ (Salzburg, Austria) by Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Brisch
01/ 2019
„Strange Situation Procedure (A, B, C)“ training and certification at the International Psychoanalytic University (Berlin, Germany) by Prof. Dr. Fabienne Becker-Stoll
05-07/ 2018
„CARE Index Infancy“ training and certification by Dr. Peter Schernhardt (Salzburg, Austria)


since 04/ 2020
Head of Organisation of the University Programme for Further Education (Propedeutic Programme in Psychotherapy) at the Department of Educational Science / University of Salzburg (Austria)
since 10/ 2016
Research associate at the University of Salzburg (Austria) / Department of Psychology / Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience / Lab for Sleep & Consciousness Research / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus
11/ 2018 – 05/ 2019
Research associate at the Paracelsus Medical University (Austria) / Institute for Early Life Care/ Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Karl Heinz Brisch
10/ 2015 – 10/ 2016Research assistant at the University of Salzburg (Austria) / Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience / Neurocognition Lab / „Word recognition in natural reading with parafoveal preview” (FWF project: P25799-B23)
05/ 2015 – 07/2015 Internship at the Christian-Doppler-Klinik (Salzburg, Austria) / Department of Psychosomatic medicine and Stationary psychotherapy
2009 – 2015Lawyer assistant at „Mahringer Steinwender Bestebner Rechtsanwälte OG“ (Salzburg, Austria)
07/ 2009 – 09/2009Internship at the Christian-Doppler-Klinik (Salzburg, Austria) / Neuroscience institute


Granted research projects
07/ 2018 – 04/2019

Research project “Besser Schlafen mit dem iBed” funded by the FFG & Das Gesundheitshaus GmbH (€12.500.-)
Florea, C., Topalidis, P., Hauser, T., Angerer, M., Kurapov, A., Leon, C. A. B., & Schabus, M. (2021). Sleep during COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-cultural study investigating job system relevance, Biochemical Pharmacology.
Blume C., Hauser T., Gruber WR, Heib DPJ, Winkler T., & Schabus M. (2019). „How does Austria sleep?” Self-reported sleep habits and complaints. Sleep and Breathing.
Blume, C., Hauser, T., Hahn, M., Winkler, T., Heib, D. P. J., Gruber, W. R., & Schabus, M. (2019). Wie schläft Österreich? Ergebnisse aus einer Umfrage zu Schlafgewohnheiten und Schlafproblemen. Psychologie in Österreich, 39(5), 355-362.
Ameen, M.S., Cheung, L.M., Hauser, T., Hahn, M., & Schabus, M. (2019). About the Accuracy and Problems of Consumer Devices in the Assessment of Sleep. Sensors, 19, 4160.
van Schalkwijk, F.J., Hauser, T., Hoedlmoser, K., Ameen, M.S., Wilhelm, F.H., Sauter, C., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Saletu, B., Parapatics, S., Zeitlhofer, J. & Schabus, M. (2019). Procedural memory consolidation is associated with heart rate variability and sleep spindles. Journal of Sleep Research, e12910. DOI:
Hauser, T., Gruber, W. R., Heib, D. P. J., Winkler, T., & Schabus, M. (2019, May). ” Wie schläft Österreich 2019?”: Online-Erhebung zu Schlafgewohnheiten und Schlafproblemen. In 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichische Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung (ÖGSM-ASRA).
van Schalkwijk, F.J., Hauser, T., Hoedlmoser, K., Sauter, C., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Saletu, B., Parapatics, S., Zeitlhofer, J., and Schabus, M. Evaluating short and long-term effects of full-night sleep and heart rate variability on procedural memory performance. Poster presented at the 24th Meeting of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland, September 25th-28th 2018.
Hauser, T., Gruber, W.R., Winkler, T., and Schabus, M. (2018). „Wie schläft Österreich?“ Online-Erhebung zu Schlafgewohnheiten und Schlafproblemen. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Sleep Research Association (ASRA), Salzburg, Austria, April 6th-7th 2018.
van Schalkwijk, F.J., Sauter, C., Hodlmoser, K., Heib, D.P.J., Hauser, T., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Saletu, B., Parapatics, S., Weber-Bischof, B., Bauer, H., Fischmeister, F., Zeitlhofer, J., & Schabus, M. (2017). Short and long-term effects of full-night sleep on procedural memory performance. Poster presented at the 13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 5th-9th 2017.
van Schalkwijk, F.J., Sauter, C., Hodlmoser, K., Heib, D.P.J., Hauser, T., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Saletu, B., Parapatics, S., Weber-Bischof, B., Bauer, H., Fischmeister, F., Zeitlhofer, J., & Schabus, M. (2017). Short and long-term effects of full-night sleep on procedural memory performance. Poster presented at the Salzburg Mind Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Salzburg, Austria, July 13th-14th 2017.
Teaching Summer term 2019
Lecturer: Seminar for M.Sc students (St. Virgil, Salzburg)
Summer term 2018
Tutor: Seminar for B.Sc. students (Dr. Walter Gruber; University of Salzburg)
since 2016
Teaching assistant: lectures & empirical seminars (mother-child-interactions) for M.Sc students (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus & Dr. Peter Schernhardt; University of Salzburg)
Winter term 2015/16
Teaching assistant: Empirical seminar (eye tracking study) for B.Sc students (Dr. Christina Marx; University of Salzburg)


  • 2017 – 2018: (Website)
  • since 2018: GesunderSchlaf.Coach (Website)
  • since 2020: Nukkuaa – The virtual sleep lab (App)

Research Interests:

  • Sleep & Memory:
    “Sleep habits & sleep problems in Austria”
    “Efficacy of online-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and its impact on physiology”
    “Neural and cardiovascular aspects of sleep-dependent memory consolidation”
  • Attachment & social interaction:
    “Psychophysiology of attachment & mother-child-interactions”